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Information Sources: Choosing and Finding the Right Source

Sometimes Google is a good choice for researchers...

There are some things you will not find in a subscription database.  Google is perfect for finding government information such as laws, statistics, data.  Also, there are many great websites that are affiliated with .edu sites, and these can be found using Google.  Google is just one of many tools a researcher uses.

Google doesn't need much explanation.  However, a tiny bit of instruction can go a long way with Google.  Check this out:

Cohen, P. (2022, January 24). 21 Google search tips you'll want to learn. PC Magazine.

Google Advanced Search

Did you know that you can search an entire website, like just by using Google?  Or that you can limit your search to just .gov websites?  Or that you can limit your results to just those that have been published in the last 24 hours?  Google Advanced Search is a great tool!


More info...


Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine, like Google, that searches the internet for information that is considered scholarly or suitable for research. 

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has prepared a very useful web page about Google Scholar.


To use Google Scholar from off-campus, set your Google Scholar preferences to Regis College Library in order to link directly to any articles found by Google Scholar (and residing in our Regis Library databases.)


  1. Open
  2. Click on Settings at the top of the page.
  3. Click on Library Links on the left side of the page.
  4. Type in Regis College and then click SAVE.

Do not pay for an article without checking to see if the library has it or can get it for you!

How to Find Peer-Reviewed Articles Using Google Scholar

It is not easy to isolate peer-reviewed articles by using Google Scholar.  Google Scholar results include:

  • Peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Unpublished scholarly journal articles
  • Master's theses, dissertations and other academic work
  • Citations for books, some which link to sections of the book
  • Conference papers, technical reports, or their drafts, pre-prints, post-prints, or abstracts

If you find an article you like and need to determine if it is from a peer-reviewed journal, find the journal homepage online because usually the journal  will provide this information. It may be in a section called "About" or you may need to check in a section explaining how to submit an article for publication.  Or... you can ask a librarian for help!