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Citation-Sequence System

Citation-Sequence System

The Council of Science Editors (CSE) style is designed for the general sciences including biology. Citation-Sequence System is one of three systems of documentation used in CSE style.

Citation-Sequence System Format

Please check with your instructor about their requirements for the format of your paper. In Citation-Sequence Style, there is no standard format to follow as science writers are typically submitting papers to journals and must follow the journal's standards for formatting. 

  • Uses superscript numbers within the text to refer to the end references.
  • End references are listed in the order they are referred to in the text.
  • Subsequent citations to the same document use the same number as its initial citation.
  • the general sequence of information in the end reference is author name, title, and additional items (including year of publication).

For more information consult Scientific Style and Format listed to the right.

Scientific Style and Format Citation Quick Guide

Scientific Style and Format has some some common examples of materials cited published on their website. Select the Citation–Sequence and Citation–Name tab and you can find how to cite journals, books, dissertations and theses, newspapers, DVDs, websites and more.

University of Wisconsin Guide
