The title looks great, but will I even be able to read the rest of the article? As applicable as the title (and even the abstract) sounds, that is just the way they were indexed in the databases. You may have to dig deeper to make sure the rest of the article is in English!
Be on the lookout! An article title that shows in brackets [ ] is also an indication that the article itself is in a foreign langauge.
If there is an article you are desperate to read, regardless of language, there may be an alternative. Google Translate lets you upload PDF's to be translated to the language of your choice.
If the translation comes out garbled because of article formatting, try copying and pasting into a Word document.
Please note: Google Translate is not 100% with every language, so use with caution.
Regardless of if you can read the language or are able to successfully use a translation program, you still run the risk of mis-translating it when it comes to citing the source. It's better to work with articles that you are able to read and paraphrase or quote in the language that you are writing your paper in!