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NU 635: Complementary Therapies

This Research Guide will show you how to use Natural Medicines (formerly Natural Standard), a database that includes high-quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative medicine. It also has pointers on search background informati

What is Natural Medicines?

Click on the link above to access Natural Medicines.  If you are off-campus, you will be asked to enter your Regis username and password.

  • Natural Medicines is a knowledge database, similar to an encyclopedia.
  • It has top-tier, scientifically proven information on complementary and alternative therapies in medicine.
  • It is interactive, allowing you to find specialized information about the search terms you enter.
  • It is updated as new evidence is discovered, so the information is always current and reliable.

Can I find journal articles in Natural Medicines?

Natural Medicines does not contain journal articles, but the reports do reference journal articles that you can find in another database.  For more information about finding and accessing articles, please see the Finding Articles tab in this research guide.

What can I find in Natural Medicines?

Natural Medicines provides a reports on complementary and alternative medicine topics.  You'll find two types of reports:

  • Professional Monographs are comprehensive reports, intended for health care providers and students.
  • Patient Handouts are brief summaries with an easy reading level, intended for consumers or patients.

The professional monographs will be most useful for your research.