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NU 635: Complementary Therapies

This Research Guide will show you how to use Natural Medicines (formerly Natural Standard), a database that includes high-quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative medicine. It also has pointers on search background informati

Searching in Natural Medicines

To begin, enter your search term(s) in the search box across the top of the screen.  You can also perform an advanced search, if you prefer.

Search Results

The report marked "Professional Monograph," usually the first search result, will provide a comprehensive overview on the therapy you searched for.

Professional Monograph

The links across the top of the screen will take you to different types of reports on the same topic.  The Professional tab contains comprehensive information, and is most appropriate for student research.  The Patient Handout link will open a new window with a brief summary using natural language, intended for consumers.  The References tab lists all of the references cited in the report.  See the Finding Articles tab in this research guide for more information about linking to scholarly articles.

The links across the left side of the screen will take you to different sections of the report.