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Exporting References

From the Export Manager, you can save citations in a format compatible with your bibliographic management software. 

You can set the defaults for your preferred Export Settings on the Preferences Screen. The selections that are set on Preferences will be applied when exporting.

To save citations in bibliographic manager format:

  1. From the open result or from the folder, click Export. The Export Manager panel appears.


  2. Save citations to a file formatted for: select one of the following: 

    • Direct Export in RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero) - includes those fields supported by reference managers that utilize Research Information Systems (RIS) format for bibliographic management. (This would be useful if you are at a remote location and have bibliographic management software such as ProCite® or EndNote® on your home or office computer. You could save your citations at a school or public library and import them into your citation library at home.)

    • Generic bibliographic management software - includes all fields available with a citation.

    • Citations in XML format - includes all fields in XML format. Click here to view a Document Type Definition file for a description of each of the XML tags.

    • Citations in BibTeX format - includes citation fields in BibTeX format.

    • Citations in MARC21 format - includes citation fields in MARC21 format.

    • Direct Export to RefWorks - exports citations directly to RefWorks web-based bibliographic management software. 

    • Direct Export to EndNote Web - includes those fields supported by ISI's Direct Export technology for exporting to EndNote Web.

    • Direct Export to EasyBib - export citations directly to EasyBib bibliographic management software.

  3. Click Save.

    • You will need to be signed in to your bibliographic management software in order to export.