Authors of a systematic review ask a specific clinical question, conduct a complete literature search, eliminate any poorly done studies, and then make practice recommendations based on the well-done studies.
A meta-analysis is a systematic review that combines all the results of all the studies into a single statistical analysis of results.
In CINAHL, you can filter for systematic review by selecting it as a choice in the drop down box under Publication Type, which is located on the first page of the Advanced Search.
A meta-analysis is a type of statistical technique that involves combining and analyzing the results of many different individual studies devoted to a specific topic. This technique allows researchers to get a better look at overall trends and identify possible relationships that might exist. Since a meta-analysis combines many smaller samples into a much larger pool of data, researchers can sometimes identify trends that could not be seen in smaller-scale studies.
In CINAHL, you can filter for meta-analysis by selecting it as a choice in the drop down box under Publication Type, which is located on the first page of the Advanced Search.