Before placing an Interlibrary Loan request for books, make sure you have checked the Regis catalog to ensure the item you are looking for is not available in our local network.
Before placing an Interlibrary Loan request for articles, make sure that the Regis Library does not have the article in its databases.
For additional assistance with searching databases and evaluating the articles you are requesting see the following research guide: Database Search Results - It's all in the details...
If the item is not available or accessible at the Regis Library, then you are ready to place an Interlibrary Loan request.
For both (e)books and articles, you can begin your search with the Powersearch bar on the main Regis Library page.
From underneath the Powersearch bar you can also click on books to access the Minuteman Network catalog, which will allow you to request books from neighboring libraries if Regis Library does not have the book in its collection.