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APA Style, 7th edition - Citing Sources

Writing Clearly and Concisely

Chapter 4 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed,), starting on p.111 covers writing clearly and concisely. See the following pages for these topics:

  • Chapter 4 Writing Style and Grammar, p. 111
  • Grammar and Usage (verbs, pronouns, sentence construction) p. 117
  • Levels of Heading (section headings and subheadings), p. 47-48 and inside front cover
  • Creating Lists (formerly referred to as seriation), p. 189-191

The Mechanics of Style

Chapter 6 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed,), starting on p. 153 covers the mechanics of style.  Refer to this chapter for these topics:

  • Punctuation (use of periods, commas, colons, semicolons, quotation marks, etc.), p. 153
  • Spelling (preferred spellings, hyphenation), p. 161
  • Capitalization, p. 165
  • Italics, p. 170
  • Abbreviations, p. 172
  • Numbers, p. 178
  • Statistical and Mathematical Copy, p. 181