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REFWORKS - Citation Management

EXPORT References from Databases

Most databases have an EXPORT function.  (Look for an icon on the right hand side of the EBSCO databases.  When you mouse over it, it says "export.")

Select the EXPORT option.  If RefWorks is not already open (you must login to RefWorks to open it), you will receive a prompt asking you to login.

The EXPORT option defaults to RefWorks:  "Direct Export to RefWorks"  Select this.

Add References Manually

Add references by hand by clicking on the Add+ icon.  Create Reference manually.  Indicate what type of source you are using, such as book or journal article.  You can then enter the citation information.

For books and articles:

Type or copy and paste the title into the appropriate field and click on the lightening bolt icon. Then select the correct article from the search results to automatically capture the citation information.


Adding UpToDate References

Unfortunately, there is no Direct Export to RefWorks from UpToDate, so these References will need to be added in manually. That is simple enough to do using the Website Ref Type template, making sure to fill out all of the highlighted fields:

The generated Reference:

Save Web Documents

RefWorks allows you to gather information from the web to create your citations.  It extracts citation information from a website using the bookmarklet "Save to RefWorks."  This is found under Tools, which is found under the 3 dots icon.  To install the bookmarklet, simply drag it to your bookmark bar.

Creating a .RIS file